I'm Korbin Cumpston

I'm a photographer walking around the Pacific Northwest, capturing its light, and sharing it with you. 

It's my hope that I can show you the beauty of these verdant lands through my eyes, and inspire you to get out and find its magic for yourself. 

I would love to teach visitors about the PNW's botanical inhabitants, including their taxonomy, history and curiosities. 

Please feel free to explore my Vlogs and botanical write-ups  (coming soon) to learn more about the plants behind the photos. 

I hope to see you on the trails!

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Trail Gear 

Nikon Z9. 

The flagship Nikon Z9 is a 45.7MP full-frame pro mirrorless camera: a high speed, 8K-shooting statement of intent from one of the industry's biggest players.

Nikkor S-line 85mm f/1.2E 

Among photo and video pros shooting portraiture, weddings, maternity, high fashion and boudoir, the NIKKOR Z 85mm f/1.2 S is bound to become a legend. Breathtaking realism with dreamlike depth. Backgrounds that melt away into a soft bokeh. Beautifully flattering compression. Autofocus you can trust with once-in-a-lifetime moments.

Peak Design's travel tripod

There are cheaper travel tripods than this, and taller ones too, but nothing that offers this performance, this design cleverness, and yet folds down into such a neat, compact and portable package.

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